Recording Arts

The Recording Arts Program is centred on music composition, production, performance, and branding. Students hone their skills as they work toward completing their culminating project (EP, album, mixtape) and develop their artistic identities through one of 4 streams:

  • Artist Development
  • DJ-ing
  • Production
  • Audio Engineering.

Areas of Focus

Artist Development

  • Branding & Marketing
  • Fundamentals of Audio Engineering
  • Recording process
  • Live Performance
  • Music Business & Legal
  • Project Planning, Budgeting & Roll Outs
  • Revenue Streams
  • Songwriting
  • Distribution


  • My Sound
  • Technical Skills
  • Music Sequencing
  • Events
  • Contracts and invoicing
  • Evolution of Equipment


  • Technique
  • Sound and Texture
  • Composition + Arrangement
  • Quick Keys, Headroom, Exporting
  • File Management
  • Revenue Streams

Audio Engineering

  • File Management and System Design
  • Hardware & Software
  • The Science of Sound
  • Mixing Fundamentals
  • Engineer Etiquette
  • How to Design a Studio
  • Types of paid work for engineers